Wednesday, February 26th at 7:00pm
in the Church
Sunday, March 2nd after the 11:00am Mass in the Church
Children who are currently in Fifth Grade or older who are Catholic and registered at SS. Cosmas and Damian are invited to sign up to be altar servers (adults are welcome too!). This is a wonderful way to serve God in the Mass and to be engaged in the parish community. No need to register - information will be taken at the beginning of the session. Available sessions are listed below (only one is required). Current altar servers are encouraged to attend for a refresher. The session should take around 45 minutes to an hour at the latest. If there are questions, please contact Fr. Matt.
Seasonal Bible study that explores many different areas of scripture.
We will meet on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm in room 115, beginning on March 4
All women of the parish are invited to join Feminine Genius for a study of Blessed is She's Lenten Devotional, Under the Olive Tree. Whether you're seeking a deeper prayer life, healing, or simply a way to walk intentionally through the season of Lent, this devotional will be a faithful companion under the shadow of the olive trees. We will meet on Tuesdays during Lent at 7:30 pm in room 115, beginning on March 4. Whether you're an expert or a beginner when it comes to prayer and Scripture, this is a place you are most welcome to join other women of the parish for faith and fellowship!
Click here to register and for the links to purchase the book.When God decided upon a man to provide for and protect His only Son on Earth, a very special man, St. Joseph was chosen. Imagine the responsibility! Imagine the honor of this choice! Imagine being in his place! St. Joseph is known as the 'Terror of Demons' and 'Protector of the Holy Family'. Could there ever be a more overwhelming job? A small group of men here at SS Cosmas & Damian parish have formed to study the path of St. Joseph during a consecration to him. Starting on Feb 13, and coming to full consecration on his feast day on March 19 with a special mass and blessing from Fr. Matt.The consecration involves daily reading and prayers. Average daily commitment is about 25 minutes. Quite reasonable considering the graces received. The suggested outline is ordered and arranged in 'Consecration to St. Joseph, by Fr. Donald Calloway'. This is an amazing and very easy read. This book is available at a reduced price through the efforts of our Parish office. All men are now invited to join us in this amazing spiritual journey. Preliminary meetings are forming now. Will you join us as we study and consecrate ourselves to St Joseph, Terror of Demons and protector of the Holy Family?
Click here to register.For those seeking the open heart and listening soul of a silent contemplation. Poustinia, a Russian word meaning desert, a place to meet Christ in silence, solitude, and prayer.
Help organize events that promote the Theology of the Body.
What is the Theology of the Body? - Click here to learn more.Meets twice a month to pray and offer praise through music.
Parish Youth Group that is open to teens in grades 7-12. Click here for the current schedule.
Teaches children about the Catholic Faith.
A week long program for young children that includes, music, crafts, games, and learning about the Faith.
Explains the Liturgy of the Word to children in a way they can better understand, during the 11am Mass throughout the school year.
Practices weekly and sings at the 9am Mass most Sundays throughout the school year.
Sing for Funeral Masses.
If you or your loved one is temporarily or permanently homebound and unable to attend Mass for the Sunday Obligation, there is no sin involved. However, the parish would like to care for you as best as we can. Contact the parish office and Fr. Matt will arrange a visit on a regular basis.
A Eucharistic Minister will also be assigned to make a visit so as to offer a fuller sense of community.
Please do not make arrangements for someone who is not a Eucharistic Minister to bring Communion to your home.
Know that we are praying for our homebound!
Works to promote the sanctity of all life through prayer and works of service.
Crochets or knits blankets for those who are in need of extra prayers and comfort.
Makes quilts for those who are in need of extra prayers and comfort.
Lay Catholic family fraternal service organization. Open to all practicing Catholic men in communion with the Holy See, age 18 and older.
Help make and serve a monthly meal for the Thea Bowman Center.
Prepares and serves a free meal on the 1st Sunday of every month.
Meets weekly to discuss books on variety of topics (religious & secular).
Promotes social and spiritual welfare for women through fellowship and service.
Save the Date! March 22, 2025
Save the date for our annual Women’s Day of Reflection, which will be on Saturday March 22, 2025. Our Day of Reflection is always a wonderful day filled with fellowship, prayer, and blessings. Invite friends and family to attend. All women are welcome! More info to come.
Wednesday 19th of February in Twinhaven, starting at 6:00pm. To meet, greet, and a short meeting.
Starting at 7:00pm we will have a special speaker from Twinsburg Senior Center, Laura Siefer, coordinator for all events. Come and bring a friend! Enjoy the Evening!
Plans/coordinates events for the parish, including fundraisers, the parish feast day, and other community based events.
Open to kids in kindergarten-5th grade.
Meets weekly to pray and console one another through the Faith.
Held on Fridays during Lent, serving dine in and carry-out meals.
Noncompetitive golf league that plays during the Summer months.
Teaches about Baptism to parents who are preparing to have their child(ren) baptized.
Married couples meet to coordinate, plan, witness, and lead the annual Pre Cana retreat that engaged couples attend.
Click here to register for our upcoming Pre Cana Day on March 30, 2025.For those interested in becoming Catholic.
Meets weekly to work on projects around the church.
Help maintain the church through weekly cleaning.
Help maintain the grounds of the parish through weeding, planting, and other necessities.
Prepares and decorates the church for each liturgical season.